BMICH Spearheads “Go-Green” Initiatives with Urban Forest Concept & Waste Recycling
Thu, 21 Nov 2019
Press Releases

The compost machine which converts waste to compost

Planting of Saplings in progress
BMICH – Sri Lanka’s iconic landmark spearheaded its “Go-Green” initiative with a comprehensive programme for recycling waste and planting saplings to create an “Urban Forest” concept.
“This initiative will be a contribution by BMICH towards making Colombo, Sri Lanka and the world a better place to live for the current and future generations” said Sunil Dissanayake – Chief Executive/Director, BMICH.
“As a responsible corporate citizen, all of us at BMICH are committed to this ‘Go-Green’ initiative” he added.
BMICH joined hands with Bank of Ceylon to plant 25 “Na” plants, the national tree of Sri Lanka, in its premises to mark the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the Bank of Ceylon as the “Go-Green” initiative. These plants will add to the already existing, extensive range of different varieties of trees with the objective of making the BMICH landscape as an “Urban Forest”.
BMICH also initiated a programme to collect and convert food waste from its many restaurants and kitchens and other waste from the gardens into compost at the in-house compost plant using the Japanese “Thakakura” method. The conversion process takes approx. 3 weeks from collection to compost. The compost, which is odorless, is then used as fertilizer for the upkeep of the luscious trees and greenery in the gardens and lawns at the BMICH premises. Any excess compost is earmarked for sale to the outside market bringing in additional income. BMICH also contributes to its green initiatives by segregating and selling plastic, polythene and PET bottles which are collected during the many events held at its premises.